Error: Connection failed with the given URL, Username and Password with workspace ONE access 2309 Integration

For on-premises Workspace ONE users, the challenge intensifies, particularly when attempting to integrate Workspace ONE Access version 2309. Users often encounter the frustrating error message stating, “Connection failed with the provided URL, username, and password.” Unraveling the complexities of this issue is crucial, and we’ll explore effective solutions to streamline the integration process.


When you use the Getting Started Wizard in the Workspace ONE UEM console to integrate an on-premises deployment of Workspace ONE Access version 23.09 with Workspace ONE UEM, you must activate the API login URL endpoint before you can start the integration. The login URL endpoint /SAAS/API/1.0/REST/auth/system/login hosted by the Workspace ONE Access appliance is deactivated by default.


Enable /SAAS/API/1.0/REST/auth/system/login so that system domain admin users can log into the Workspace ONE Access console.


  • SSH into the Workspace ONE Access appliance as the root user.
  • To enable the login to the service node, enter
cd /user/local/horizon/bin
hznAdminTool configureBreakGlassLogin -systemLogin -enable
service horizon-workspace restart

Repeat this process for all appliances in your environment.

When /SAAS/API/1.0/REST/auth/system/login is enabled, the admin can use the Getting Started Wizard in the UEM console to integrate the Workspace ONE UEM and Workspace ONE Access services.

Deactivate /SAAS/API/1.0/REST/auth/system/login

After you configure the integration between Workspace ONE UEM with Workspace ONE Access, deactivate /SAAS/API/1.0/REST/auth/system/login as a login option.


  • SSH into the Workspace ONE Access appliance as the root user.
  • To deactivate the login, enter
cd /usr/local/horizon/bin

hznAdminTool configureBreakGlassLogin -systemLogin -disable

service horizon-workspace restart

Repeat this process for all appliances in your environment.

Refer to VMware documentation :

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